Page 213 - Catalog 2019-2020 Flipbook
P. 213

NUTR 62G Dieting (Sifting Fact from Fiction)
1 Unit
PARA 74A Interviewing, Interrogation and 4 Units Crisis Intervention
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. (Also listed as ADMJ 74A and PSYC 74A. Students may enroll in only one department for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Theories, principles and strategies of tactical and interpersonal communication necessary to interview victims, witnesses, and suspects; crisis intervention strategies for victims and witnesses of crime; communication with individuals from diverse backgrounds with consideration to race, ethnicity, gender, age and special needs.
PARA 75 Principles and Procedures of the 4 Units Justice System
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. (Also listed as ADMJ 75 and POLI 75. Students may enroll in only one department for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Procedures followed by law enforcement and courts in criminal cases; constitutional principles governing those procedures.
PARA 84 Trial Preparation 4 Units
Prerequisite: PARA 97B.
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or ESL 5.
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Role of paralegal in preparing a case for trial including pretrial planning, evidence gathering and case analysis.
PARA 85 Intellectual Property Law 4 Units
Prerequisite: ADMJ 95 or PARA 95 or POLI 95 (either course may be taken concurrently).
Advisory: EWRT 1A or EWRT 1AH or ESL 5.
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Overview of the law of intellectual property, including trade secrets, trademarks, patents and copyrights and examination of the role of the paralegal in this area.
PARA 86 Legal Analysis 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Principles of legal analysis with an emphasis on analysis of case law; detailed examination of written case opinions; methods of interpreting statutory law; development of legal arguments based on case law and statutory law.
PARA 87 Personal Injury and Tort Litigation 4 Units
Prerequisite: PARA 94 (may be taken concurrently) or PARA 95 (may be taken concurrently) or professional experience appropriate to the topic.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Substantive tort law emphasizing concepts applicable to automobile accident cases, product liability cases, premises liability cases and malpractice cases; insurance law affecting personal injury litigation; basic medical terminology in personal injury litigation; procedural rules and practices related to personal injury litigation in California with an emphasis on the role of the paralegal.
PARA 88 The Paralegal and Professional 2 Units Responsibility
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
Two hours lecture (24 hours total per quarter).
An examination of the role of the paralegal in the legal system. Ethical rules and guidelines governing legal professionals will also be examined.
PARA 89 Landlord Tenant Law 4 Units
Prerequisite: PARA 94 (may be taken concurrently) or PARA 95 (may be taken concurrently) or professional experience appropriate to the topic.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
California law relating to creation of landlord/tenant relationship; legal rights of landlords; legal rights of tenants; eviction proceedings.
PARA 90A Legal Aspects of Evidence (CP 4) 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
(Also listed as ADMJ 90A. Students may enroll in either department, but not both, for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
The origin, development, and content of the rules of evidence; kinds of degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility of evidence.
PARA 91A California Family Law 4 Units
Prerequisite: PARA 94 (may be taken concurrently) or PARA 95 (may be taken concurrently) or professional experience appropriate to the topic.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Substantive and procedural aspects of family law practice in California, with emphasis on dissolution procedures.
Advisory: NUTR 10 or NUTR 62.
One hour lecture (12 hours total per quarter).
An examination of the causes of obesity, an evaluation of popular weight control diets and an analysis of effective methods of weight loss.
Paralegal Program
PARA 3 Concepts of Criminal Law (CP 2)
4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
(Also listed as ADMJ 3 and POLI 13. Students may enroll in only one department for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Historical development, philosophy of law and constitutional provisions; definitions, classification of crime, and their application to the system of administration of justice; legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force in a multicultural, multiethnic society.
PARA 11 Federal Courts and Constitutional Law 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. (Also listed as ADMJ 11 and POLI 11. Students may enroll in only one department for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Federal court procedure and the impact of U.S. Constitutional law on federal and state law. Read and analyze the Constitution. Effect of U.S. Supreme Court cases on current constitutional interpretation.
PARA 25 Law and Social Change 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
(Also listed as ADMJ 25. Students may enroll in either department, but not both, for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
Exploration of the use of law as an instrument for social change. Examination of the relationship between law and social change in cross-cultural settings. Analysis of legislation, case law, the process of conflict resolution and legal institutions as they relate to social change.
PARA 54 Youth and the Law 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. (Also listed as ADMJ 54 and SOC 54. Students may enroll in only one department for credit.)
Four hours lecture (48 hours total per quarter).
A legal and sociological approach to understanding the causes of juvenile delinquency; an examination of race, culture, and gender in juvenile delinquency; community responses to delinquency; organization, functions, and jurisdiction of both social and legal agencies; processing and detention; case disposition; statutes and court procedures.
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
Three hours laboratory per unit of supervised internship in an authorized office or agency (36 hours total for each unit of credit per quarter).
Program of work experience and study in law, paralegal, or legal research under the supervision of the instructor and agency personnel.
Paralegal Internship
1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units 4 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273; background or experience appropriate to topic or consent of instructor. One hour lecture for each unit of credit (12 hours total for each unit of credit per quarter).
Current developments in the substantive law in an area of legal practice; current developments in procedural law in that area of legal practice; current developments in legal forms used in that area of legal practice; the role of the paralegal in substantive and procedural law in that area of legal practice.
PARA 67 Law Office Management for Paralegals 2 Units
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273.
Two hours lecture (24 hours total per quarter).
An examination of the law office environment, its structure and procedural aspects, and the important role the paralegal plays within it.
PARA 69 Paralegal Field Trips 1 Unit
Advisory: EWRT 211 and READ 211 (or LART 211), or ESL 272 and 273. Three hours laboratory (36 hours total per quarter).
A survey of current conditions in the paralegal field.
Current Paralegal Topics
1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units 4 Units
All courses are for unit credit and apply to a De Anza associate degree unless otherwise noted.

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