Notes - March 20, 2006

De Anza Academic Senate
Notes for the meeting of
March 20, 2006

Senators and Officers present: Argyriou, Barney, Bryant, Capitolo, Chenoweth, Cole, Cordero, Dolen, Dunn, Fritz, Goodwin, Guevara, Hearn, Jensen Sullivan, Joplin, Kramer, Logvinenko, Osborne, Rodriguez, Setziol, Sheirich, Ujifusa, Winters, Zill
Senators and Officers absent: Annen, Fox, Moreno, Mosh
Curriculum Cochair:
Classified Senate: Olivia Patlan
Administrative Liaison: Christina Espinosa-Pieb
Guests: Elizabeth Bresnan, Donna Bradshaw
The meeting was called to order at 2:30, a quorum being present.

I.   Approval of Agenda and Notes: The agenda was amended to delete Item VII and amend Item VIII to read ETS Service Level Agreement.  Item VI, Part-Time Faculty Senate Representation, was changed from an Action item to a Discussion item.  The notes were approved with corrections as noted.
II. Needs and Confirmations:
Confirmations: Sandy Kovach-Long and Monica Sheirich were confirmed to serve on the Special Education Instructor HOPE position Search and Selection Committee.  Becky Roberts was confirmed to replace Christian Purvis-Aldrich on the Tenure Review Committee of Julie Pesano.
Needs:  Faculty are needed to serve on the Search and Selection Committee for the Dean of Counseling and the Dean of Admissions and Records positions.  Hearn will send a message including this request to all senators and a separate one to Moreno and Joplin.

III.  Captioning Compliance: Donna Bradshaw reminded senators to tell faculty that the State Chancellor’s Office grant for captioning is expiring this year and to get requests for updating/purchasing/renewing/captioning videos to her office quickly.  She distributed a “Request for Video Captioning” form and a “Captioning FAQ” sheet.

IV.  Shared Governance Retreat – Agenda Planning: Hearn led a lengthy discussion of the topics to be addressed at the Retreat – scheduled for the Fireside Room on Friday, March 24, with Executive Committee members arriving at 10:30 and Senior Administrators (minus Robert Griffin) at 11:00, and continuing until 1:00.  Hearn distributed a draft agenda and senators voted on which items should be addressed first.

V.  Civic Engagement Review: Hearn led a more lengthy discussion of this topic than had been anticipated, inviting senators to share their reactions to the presentation made at a previous meeting.  Senators expressed a wide range of opinions on its value, timing, funding, composition of the planning group, ideology represented, and origin of the idea.

VI.  Part-Time Faculty Senate Representation: Hearn distributed proposed changes to the Senate constitution to authorize stipends to two elected part-time faculty senators for the Executive Committee with a request that senators poll faculty members about their willingness to support such a measure and for the amount of stipend to be awarded.  The stipend amount suggested was $300 per quarter, to be paid out of Senate dues fund.

VII.  Foothill Informatics Program: Discussion delayed until next quarter.

VIII.  ETS Service Level Agreement: Discussion delayed until next quarter.
IX.  Good of the Order:
• Faculty are reminded to let classes out on time so students get to their next classes promptly.
• Hearn reminded senators that Academic Senate Scholarship application readers are still needed and faculty are to contact her to volunteer.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35.

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