Writing Assignment 2

First Draft due via e-mail on Sunday, April 26

Final Draft due via e-mail on Tuesday, May 5

This is the written portion of the research assignment about the struggles of indigenous peoples. In class you should have joined a research group that focuses on one of the the following three aspects of the topic of the struggles of indigenous peoples:

Aspect 1: Indigenous peoples in the present

Aspect 2: The histories of indigenous peoples

Aspect 3: Struggles of indigenous peoples in the present around employment, health care, land/housing, incarceration, and education.

Based on which aspect you are focusing on you will answer a different set of questions. Although you are part of a research group, each person in the group should answer the questions. You will share the results of your research with other people in your group, and then your group will share your results with the whole class.

Aspect 1

For your research you will have two primary sources. Your first source should be a Wikipedia article, and your second source is the result of a google search for the group name and the word struggle. Here is the list of questions you should answer:

  1. Introduce the group. What is the group's name? What is the current population, what is the language, and what country is the group concentrated in?
  2. What is the URL for a map that shows where the group is concentrated?
  3. What are the parts of the Wikipedia article? What looks incomplete?
  4. What comes up on the first two pages when you search for the group name and the word struggle?
  5. Who is the author and what is the title of a page that you are interested in that came up when you searched for the group name and the word struggle?
  6. What is something that you want to find out about the group?

Aspect 2

For your research one of your primary sources should be a Wikipedia article, and you should find one additional source. Here is the list of questions you should answer:

  1. Introduce the group. What is the group's name? What is the language, and what country is the group concentrated in?
  2. What is the URL for a map that shows where the group's homeland is?
  3. What was the population in the past, and what is the current population? What has caused population changes?
  4. Have significant numbers of people moved away from their homeland? Why? To where? It will be helpful for you to search for the group name with the word diaspora.
  5. Who is the author and what is the title of a page that you used as a source?
  6. What is something that you want to find out?

Aspect 3

  1. Introduce the struggle and a group of people that you will focus on. What is a group that experiences inequity with regard to employment, health care, land/housing, incarceration, or education? What is the place that you will focus on? The place should be either a city, a small set of cities in the same area, or a state.
  2. What kinds of inequities do people experience?
  3. How is inequity measured?
  4. What racial or ethnic groups are disproportionately affected?
  5. Who is the author and what is the title of a page that you used as a source?
  6. What is something that you want to find out?
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